Do I really have to say anymore than that? MF DOOM is hands down one of the best MC's out there (by my own accord) and Madlib is absolutely an amazing producer, so their joint act know as Madvillain was a match made in heaven. DOOM as usual likes to prolong his shit, be it to build his fans hunger (it's sure making me hungry) or for whatever it may be, he likes to give a lot of space inbetween his projects, so i now bring you Madvillainy “2” The Box, no not a new album, rather a "reworking" (they hate to say remix). This is no simple
And we’re going to sell it to you in a
big ass box full of cool ass shit that
you won’t be able to get anywhere else."
Word from Stones Throw, so i'm excited, it includes:
CD Madvillainy “2” The Madlib Remix. 25 tracks. Read more below.
7-INCH “One Beer (Drunk Version)” Madlib's original 2004 version, lost until recently on the floor of his Bomb Shelter studio. If you saw the studio you'd understand.
CASSETTE The Madvillainy Demo Tape. 12 tracks, 36 minutes. This is the first and only official release of the infamous Madvillain demo that “leaked into cyberspace,” while the album was still in progress, as DOOM alludes to in the lyrics of “Rhinestone Cowboy.”
T-SHIRT Nominated. Best Rolled L's. Madvillain shirt.
COMIC BOOK Meanwhile... the continuation of the All Caps video, included with the CD.
THE BOX 12x13x3 inches. Wrapped in silver like a mask.
You can pre-order it here
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